Sport motivation

“Strong teams beat groups of strong individuals”


Strong teams beat groups of strong individuals

While a group of strong individuals can certainly be formidable, a strong team is able to combine the talents, skills, and knowledge of its individual members in a way that is greater than the sum of its parts. By working together towards a common goal, a strong team can overcome obstacles and challenges that might be insurmountable for a group of individuals working independently. Additionally, a strong team can often be more resilient and adaptable to changes in circumstances than a group of individuals, because team members can support and rely on each other to make adjustments and stay focused on their shared objectives.

Become a strong team or individual?

We support teams, trainers, coaches and individual players to grow by offering you insight into the deeper drives an motivations. The online questionnaire, which you can complete in 20 minutes, measures the drives and motivations and translates them into an understandable colour profile.
In total we measure seven different drivers.

Sport motivation Explained

Sport Motivation is a theory about the development of human values and beliefs. This theory can also be applied in the sports world to understand how different values and beliefs of athletes and influence their performance and behavior. Sport Motivation distinguishes seven different levels of human development, each characterized by different values and beliefs:


Tribal. People at this level value family, tradition, and social connectivity. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in sports teams who identify with a group and feel strongly connected to their team.


Power. People at this level are focused on dominance, control, and power. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in athletes who strongly identify with their ego and focus on personal performance and recognition.


Order. People at this level value hierarchy, rules, and discipline. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in coaches and trainers who maintain a strict structure and discipline to train their athletes.


Achievement. People at this level value achievement, success, and individual performance. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in athletes who focus on achieving personal goals and recognition, such as Olympic medals, world records or just scoring goals.


Community. People at this level value equality, cooperation, and social justice. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in athletes who focus on teamwork and community and who are committed to social justice and equality.


Systemic thinking. People at this level are focused on complex systems, innovation, and creativity. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in coaches and trainers who use scientific and technological innovations to improve the performance of their athletes.


Holism. People at this level value holism, connection, and unity. In the sports world, this level can be seen, for example, in athletes who focus on integrating body, mind, and spirit and who strive for spiritual enlightenment through sport.
By understanding at which level of Sport Motivation athletes are, coaches, sports trainers and the athletes can develop strategies to maximize their performance and enhance their overall experience in sports.

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How can Sport motivation improve your performance

this can be explained by several things:

1. Synergy

A strong team can work together to combine their individual talents and achieve better results. They can leverage each other's strengths and compensate for their weaknesses, enabling them to achieve more as a team than as individuals.

2. Cohesion

A strong team has a higher degree of cohesion and coherence, allowing team members to better understand and support each other. This can contribute to a positive team culture and a sense of unity, which in turn can lead to better performance.

3. Communication

A strong team has effective communication skills, allowing team members to collaborate better, share information, and solve problems. This can contribute to faster decision-making and a more streamlined execution of tasks.

4. Leadership

A strong team has an effective leader who is able to leverage the individual talents and skills of team members while providing direction and support to the team. A good leader can contribute to promoting cohesion and synergy within the team.

5. Motivation

A strong team can motivate and encourage each other to perform better. This can contribute to a higher level of dedication and engagement with the team and the goals they are trying to achieve.

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